News — Online Shopping

Mother's Day

Jani Rust

Tags blog, Educational, Handbags, holiday, Love, Mom, Mother's Day, news, Online Shopping

Mother's Day
Mother’s Day is a day reserved solely for the purpose of honouring all the mothers of the world, their continuous sacrifices and unconditional love and support should not go unnoticed.|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

Organise Your Handbag - 8 Easy Steps

Organise Your Handbag - 8 Easy Steps
A woman’s handbag is an extension of her body. Not only does her bag need to be stylish, but also functional. We have compiled an easy to follow, 8 step process to get you well on your way to an organised handbag.|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

Freedom Day

Freedom Day
Freedom Day is a national public holiday, celebrated on the 27th of April,  observing  the first post-apartheid elections in South Africa, representing the freedom of a nation.|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

The Ultimate Autumn Packing List

The Ultimate Autumn Packing List
If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly looking for new opportunities to go on an adventure, even during the colder months. Packing for a vacation in Autumn or Winter can be a daunting task...|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

5 Ways To Style Your Little Black Dress

5 Ways To Style Your Little Black Dress
A stylish yet foolproof component of every women’s wardrobe. The classic LBD can be dressed up or down, worn in a corporate environment or a cocktail party… it’s the quintessential go-to clothing item that requires only a sprinkle of accessories to be runway ready for any occasion.|All Bags | Blog | Online Store