News — Online Shopping

Pairing Outfits & Handbags

Pairing Outfits & Handbags
We’ve scoured the depths of our very own online store, to find the quintessential bag for our top 6 favourite outfits of the moment.|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

6 Autumn Handbag Must-Haves!

6 Autumn Handbag Must-Haves!
As summer comes to an end, we begin stocking up on the latest in autumn fashion. Darker colours, such as maroon, grey, navy and khaki are all the rage and heavy knits and cosy sweaters are our go-to!|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

April Fool's Day

Jani Rust

Tags April, April Fool, blog, Educational, history, holiday, news, Online Shopping

April Fool's Day
April Fool’s Day is a European and Western celebration, commemorated by playing light-hearted pranks and hoaxes on unsuspecting friends, family and even strangers.|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

World Water Day

Jani Rust

Tags blog, Educational, Learn, news, Online Shopping, tips, Water, World Water Day

World Water Day
It's World Water Day and some of you may be wondering what the purpose of this day may be, so we’ve decided to give you a quick overview as well as some helpful water-saving tips.|All Bags | Blog | Online Store

Saint Patrick's Day!

Saint Patrick's Day!
Formally known as 'The Feast of Saint Patrick', this cultural and religious celebration evolved around the observance of the death of Saint Patrick, of Ireland.| All Bags | Blog | Online Store